About Us
Sari Kangas-Ikkala,
founder and CEO of Saramis
Saramis has an international expert and advisor network which can be used for clients' benefit.
Sari Kangas-Ikkala
Sari has a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering (Aalto University of Helsinki, 1989) and an MBA (London Business School, 1994-96). She has successfully led, coordinated and coached several challenging development and transformation projects in different countries and industries, healthcare sector and latest in Zoo-BioPark world.
Zoo-biopark and strategic healthcare construction project experience
Project Manager of Korkeasaari Zoo New Tropical house project (Concept planning and feasibility study phase, budget € 25 milllion, 2.5 years)
Lean project manager of HUS Bridge hospital project (project planning phase, budget € 280 million,2 years)
Lean expert of HUS & Helsinki City joint Laakso Hospital Project (psychiatric and geriatric hospital, pre-planning phase, budget of some € 800 million, 6 months)
Healthcare and digital sector experience
Local project manager of Tampere Heart Hospital lean transformation programme with global team of Heart Hospital technology partner (2,5 years)
Project Manager of Tampere Heart Hospital pilot to provide new service for local health centers with a technology partner (start up phase, 1 year)
Lean advisor at integration oral care teaching unit from Helsinki City to HUS
Lean advisor of Vantaa City Hospital nursing development programme, focus on streamlining medication process (6 months)
Lean advisor and coach of Buddy Healthcare digital health company: improving deployment process with hospital clients (2 months)
Industrial experience
Ten years of experience of result oriented and lean based industrial transformation projects and analysis: starting in 2004 with Volvo Trucks in Gothenburg (as a consultant of Celerant Consulting) and latest in 2014 with Cabb Chemicals in Kokkola as a subcontractor of German based VM Value Management.
Local project manager of Avantor Process Excellence Programme (as a subcontractor of Celerant Consuting US and based in Holland). Avantor is a venture capital owned global specialty chemicals company having a unit in Deventer, Holland. Sari’s role was to ensure Deventer unit’s savings of 1.7 million euros as part of global process excellence programme and to integrate local programme as part of global PMO structure. (9 months)
Development Manager of Ahlstrom in Holland (1998-2001). Sari created Nonwovens organic and acquisition-based growth strategy in co-operation with Ahlstrom French Nonwovens team. After acquisition of US Dexter, she managed joint business planning process with international teams.

Saramis Story
Sari founded Saramis in 2010 with a goal to help organizations and individuals to navigate through constant change and transform themselves and society for better. Saramis was and still is an expert company with above goal.
“I wanted to develop unique knowledge to support organizations to capture changing worldwide opportunities. When I started, I was most fascinated by achieving optimal balance of hard and soft elements of change. Later I have added an element of relevant competence know how that needs to be identified, managed and integrated at the right time. I am also looking forward to the future with compassion how we can better integrate biodiversity and climate change to our way of living, working and seeing the world.”
The name Saramis was inspired by the story of Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas and its well known slogan “One for all and all for one”. Our name Saramis comes from one of the musketeers that was called Aramis. Today we are not fighting with swords and horses, but still today the purpose, information and trust are as critical as in the 1800's when the story was written.
10 years of solving change challenges
During the last 10 years Saramis assignments have covered various types of challenging change, transformation and construction projects in industry, healthcare and lately in the zoo-biopark world.
Saramis is working directly with its clients, as a subcontractor of international technology companies and consultants as well as an interim manager. Saramis has its own international expert and advisor network which can be used for clients' benefit.
Saramis values
We believe that trust is a prerequisite of good collaboration and innovation
Goal and result orientation
We need common goals to drive our energy to same direction and concrete targets to show we are progressing to the right direction at the right pace
Openness and curiosity to learn and innovate
Attitude of genuine curiosity makes change and transformation fun and natural process
Valuing competence
In addition to optimal processes we also need relevant and strong subject competence to succeed